Shooting Range Access Regulation

1. Identification data of the legal person

Deva, Street Cetatii No. 33, County Hunedoara
CUI: 330968402, RC: J20/391/2014

2. Name and address of the shooting range
Village Santandrei, Street Cerna entrance No. 15, County Hunedoara

3. The destination of the shooting range

Firing range for training and recreation

4. Categories of weapons allowed in polygon

Lethal firearms can be used in the firing range (pistols, revolvers, rifles, carins) – Low and large caliber as well as non-lethal weapons and recreational weapons (airsoft replicas, bows, crossbow, compressed air, etc.).

5. The conditions to be fulfilled by individuals in order to allow them access to the firing range, relating to the age and quality of their staff, the trainee or the person who attended the theoretical and practical training courses in the field of arms and ammunition, as appropriate, as well as additional conditions imposed by the administrator of the shooting range

1) access to all persons in rooms and spaces forming the firing range shall be made only with a companion from the shooting range staff.

2) within the firing range, they are admitted and have the right of access and disposal of the firing activities with the gun to the following categories of persons:

A) Any person who has reached the age of 18 – for entertainment activities with lethal and non-metallic weapons, 14-18 years for compressed air weapons and minimum 5 years for airsoft replicas;

b) Dignitaries, magistrates, diplomats, military officers and policemen, during the period in which they are in activity and after termination of the activities, retirement, transfer to the reservation or withdrawal, as appropriate, with personal weapons (guard and defense) or service on the basis of Legal documents for their possession.

c) authorized shooting athletes or members of national or Olympic batches, as well as coaches and instructors in the firing range.

D) personnel employed in specialized security companies, designated to wear and use weapons and ammunition for training activities.

e) Persons who follow the training course or have completed a theoretical training course and practice on the line of weapons and ammunition organized by an authorized legal person for firing activities.

(3) Any person wishing to carry out firing activities shall be required to submit to the identification at the entrance of the shooting range identity documents (passport or identity card) and the license to carry the weapon if he is the keeper of the weapon. Without these identity documents, the instructor in the firing range does not execute the firing session.

6. Individual Protective Equipment

1. The personal protective equipment in the firing range shall consist of:

A) Protective helmets (ear plugs)
b) Protective Goggles

(2) Rules for the use of protective equipment:
During the firing session, it is compulsory to wear on the ears by shooters of protective helmets and protective goggles.

7. Prohibitions

In the firing range is forbidden:
A) The introduction of weapons and ammunition which are not authorized and registered;
b) The introduction of defective weapons or crafted munitions.
c) The introduction and consumption of alcoholic beverages;
(d) The introduction and use of drugs or medicinal products the effects of which are likely to affect the safety of the firing;
(e) Access of persons under the effect of alcoholic beverages, hallucinogenic, psychotropic substances or medicinal products the effects of which are likely to affect the safety of the firing;
(f) Access of persons who are in an advanced state of fatigue or suffer from a temporary condition which may result in a state of danger in the conditions of use of weapons and ammunition;
g) Access of persons showing signs of instability or mental liability.
h) Access to animals in shooting range enclosure.
(i) Smoking on the standstill and firing alignment.
(j) The shooter shall not be present in the firing range with ammunition loaded in the chargers from outside of firing range.
K) Pointing weapons on persons, sideways and behind the shooting range regardless of whether they are loaded;
L) leaving armaments unattended, even for short periods of time;
m) Simulations of „glance” or straightening the weapon to other persons – including their own person – even if the weapon is discharged;
N) Execution of firings when maintenance personnel are in the firing field (at targets);
O) access to the firing and safety zone of any other person during the execution of the firings;
p) handling or checking of weapons in areas other than on the firing line.
R) The exchange of weapons between shooters before or during the execution of the firing session.
s) departure from the firing line with the loaded gun, unchecked or with the gun in hand.

8. Rules of conduct in the firing range during the shooting period
The persons who are to attend the firing session are accompanied only by the instructor in the shooting range to the firing line. The firings are executed only in the presence and under the supervision of the instructor in the firing range.

A single firing line is assigned to the shooter at the beginning of the firing session. It is forbidden to use any firing line other than the one assigned at the beginning of the firing session. The instructor in the firing range coordinates the entire work carried out at the firing session, and the shooter is obliged to follow his orders from the entrance to the firing range until the end of the shooting session. Before the start of firing the instructor in the firing range, check the weapons and loaders of those who are going to execute the firing session.

(1) The following firing operations are carried out in the firing range:
A) Preparation for the execution of the firing session, execution of the firing session and termination of the shooting session. These operations are performed under the guidance and on the instructions of the instructor in the firing range.
(b) Preparation for the execution of the firing session – consists of conducting a training certifying that the shooter has taken knowledge on the basis of signature of the content of the regulation of the organization and operation of the firing range and undertakes to comply with its provisions and the orders to be given in the polygon by the polygon instructor. This instruction is required for all people who want to execute shooting in the range. Also on the firing line, a few moves will be made, on empty, with the gun that will execute the firing session to familiarize the shooter with movements and commands in the polygon.
c) The execution of the firing session-consists in the introduction of ammunition into the chargers and the execution of fire with the gun. These tasks are run only on the firing alignment.
d) Termination of the firing session – this operation is done at the end of the time allotted for the firing session and consists of the inspection of the weapon (cartridge chamber) and the chargers both by the firing instructor in the polygon and by the shooter for the purpose prevention of possible accidents after the end of the firing session.
2. The instructions of the instructor in the firing range during the execution of the firing session shall be:
A) load the loaders – in this order the shooter inserts the cartridges into the charger.
b) Load – On this command the shooter inserts the charger into the pistol handle or the magazine in the body of the gun, then inserts the cartridge into the cartridge chamber.
c) Fire – at this command the shooter may execute fire on the target, in the firing direction assigned to him at the beginning of the shooting.
d) Cease – Download – at this command the shooter removes the charger from the pistol handle or the magazine from the gun, pulls the locking sleeve back to the rear and ensures that the cartridge is no longer in the cartridge chamber, waiting for the chamber to be checked by the instructor.
e) Weapons to control – at this command the shooter pulls the fastening sleeve back and waits for the gun to be checked by the instructor in the firing range.
f) Make sure – in this order the shooter releases the locking sleeve and pulls the trigger (execute the control percussion) and then secures the gun (if it has a manual fuse) and put it safely on the table (or in the heel if the shooter has a heel on the belt).
3. For the duration of the handling of the gun on the firing line, the shooter shall keep the gun headed to the target with the index finger in extending the trigger guard. Only in the „Fire” command, the finger is inserted into the trigger guard and
triggers the trigger.
4. If an incident occurs during the firing session, the shooter shall signal this by lifting the hand and announcing the voice: „incident” remaining in position at the line allocated to it without returning the gun in another direction and without try to fix the incident without the permission of the instructor.
(5) Incidents occurring during firing shall be remedied on the firing line, permanently keeping the gun removed to the shooting shaft by the instructor in the range.
(6) Troubleshooting the weapons with which the pull is carried out is done outside the polygon only after it has been unloaded and secured in the presence of the instructor in the firing range.

9. Other conditions or additional mentions deemed necessary by the administrator to ensure the security of the firing
A) the organization and management of the firing activities shall be carried out in the conditions of a firm discipline and perfect order.
b) Strict observance of the bending rules specific to each category of armaments.
c) Armaments control before and after firing.
d) draining the polygon before and after firing.
e) Compliance with the particularities of the shooting range.
f) outside the firing range (in the theoretical training area and in the perimeter of the building) the gun is worn in the holster (pistol heel) without the charger in the pistol handle or the gun store and insured or in the special box for transportation.
g) Persons who do not comply with this regulation or who do not have respect for the staff of the shooting range shall not be admitted to firing and are obliged to leave the shooting range enclosure.